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More than just skin deep…

What if instead of trying to look younger, you actually grew more collagen to help repair your skin? What if you could repair numerous minor insults that caused your brain to slow? What if you grew new blood vessels to feed more oxygen to your muscles, joints, bones and nerves? What if you could decrease the expression of inflammatory genes and stimulate healthy genes and stem cells to reproduce more rapidly?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) provides each of these benefits.

Could something as simple as the air we breathe really be the next powerhouse trend in the 58.5 billion dollar anti-aging industry?

Indeed it can.

Joseph Priestley, one of the first discoverers of oxygen, once said, “Who can tell but that, in time, this pure air may become a fashionable article in luxury.” It seems that as the world is developing, Joseph Priestley’s prediction about air is becoming a reality

Due to the reigning desire in today’s society to maintain youthful appearance, development of minimally invasive dermatological procedures is progressing to rejuvenate aging face. Quite a few of these minimally invasive procedures have been effectively developed such as chemical peels, intradermal fillers, and botulinum toxins, but one not yet fully understood is HBOT. HBOT as a therapy for aesthetic means is a relatively new use so there have not been a great number of researches done specifically on usage of oxygen therapy on reduction of wrinkles. However, from the few that has been done, positive outcomes were achieved and the use of oxygen therapy for treatment of wrinkles seems an attractive option. Receiving regular treatments of HBOT is thought to increase skin elasticity and stimulate collagen production, leading to reduction of wrinkles and fine lines and improvement in skin texture

Even with a few missing links in terms of research, the use of high oxygen concentration to reduce the visibility of wrinkles have shown to be promising and effective.